Friday, June 16, 2023

Do you celebrate the normal??

Are you grateful for the normal? 
To wake up to a new day with endless possibilities. To be able to wash and clean oneself on your own. To be able to watch the sunrise and hear birds sing. To water plants, brew tea or coffee and walk or exercise. To make breakfast, dress kids for school and wave them goodbye. To wear the ordinary browns and blues for work. To call and make sure the house helps have all instructions for the day. To lessen the pain of my patients, treat and help them heal better. To tea breaks with colleagues and talk how hectic it has been. To relish the lunch. To be eager to go back home to children. To make calls to loved ones. To sit and help with homework while listening to endless chatter. To read a book as the sun goes down .To light diyas and pray at dusk. To cook favourite dinners. To read bedtime stories. 

This is a normal day. 

And normal is beautiful. Normal is blessed. 
For many the day might have been life changing. Or wrecking. Or painful.

For some it may have been an adventure and thrill. 

But normal is beautiful. Normal is blessed.

Acknowledge the normal. Be thankful for it. 

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